The blogger as a journalists bits are going around - where you have someone else ask you five questions and you respond honestly. Well I am not going to ask someone to generate five questions for me. That is because I am going to ask you all to do it. And because I drank too much wine and my head hurts. Though it does not have to be five - the number is up to you. So anything you want. Ask away and I will answer. You can e-mail me privately or post it in the comments. I am going to leave the post open and off to the side afterwards as well - knowing that the option is always available. But also know that if you ask a stupid question.....well you know the rest.
Labels: Everyday Life
1) Have you and Magoo talked about marriage? (How long have you been together?)
2) What do you think is your best quality? Your worst?
3) If you had to commit to eating the same exact meal, every day, for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
4) Who are you more like, your mother or father?
5) What is your favorite outfit that you own?
I'll add to brookem's...How many kids do you want? Boys/girls? And what do you want to name them? (And zero is an acceptable answer)
What kind of law do you practice?
How tall are you?
Have you lived in any states other than FL and LA?
That Magoo sounds like the most awesomest guy in the world. Is he even mortal? Or is he God like in nature? I assume he is awesome in the bedroom as well. Am I right? I heard he can bencg press 350 lbs and not break a sweat. You are so lucky!
What a great idea! And already some great questions. I'll add:
What would you want to be if you weren't a lawyer?
What made you start blogging?
Which fictional character do you most identify with? (sorry, I ended that question with a preposition)
You've already got some great questions to answer so I'll just add two...
1) Do you think women in the workplace will ever have an even playing field?
and on the same wavelength...
2) What do you feel is the most important thing women can do or say to get their voice heard at work?
3) Do you ever freak out at the idea of marriage?
okay that was three... I'm stopping now.
Hmmm, okay...
1) Do you read many books? What was the last good one you read?
2) Do you think we ever "make peace" with our bodies?
3) I also want to know what the one meal you'd choose to have forever would be (or however that question was worded).
I'm secretly hoping it's Mexican food, cold cereal, ice cream or something else I love because then we can be even more blogger BFFs.
1. Would you rather snort a pint of ice cream in one sitting or never be allowed to wear jewelry again?
2. How many times have you made out with someone and realized afterwards that, not only do you not know, but you don't even care what his name is? Bonus points for chicks. (psych! - fake bisexuality gets you beat up.)
3. Red or Meth? (didn't jump, lalalala la la la la . . .)
4. What's your best dance move?
5. How fast can you push it over the Howard Franklin?
Can I ask you a Zen Koan?
Why is a mouse when it spins?
I never could wrap my head around that one.
Y'all rock and I am working on answers to these all - likely early next week.
Sooo... everyone has sort of asked the questions I had pop into my brain, thus I've had to move on to the more obscure questions that my brother and I asked each other on long road trips.
1. If you had to drown in a liquid other than water what would it be?
2. What do you wish you would have invented?
3. $1 million dollars to start a charity of your choice. What's your cause?
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