Truly Absolutely Wonderful
May 03, 2007

Saturday was magically wonderful as I flitted about on my own. I turned down an invite to the Dragon boat races. A good call because then I go to do my own personal great things and I heard they weren't that special. See how things were truly wonderful, I made the absolute right call. I knew I needed an oil change and I had earned myself a free car wash, but I also knew that would take a helluva long time, so I knew I would put that off. Instead I shopped and bought all sorts of wonderfully cute things for our new amazing home. The use of excessive adjectives and superlatives is absolutely necessary because I felt all wonderful the whole time. The sun was shining and I had money in the account and lots of time to spend it.

I super duper loved that in the midst of a decision over the purchase of either a red/orange or a blue/green combo new lacy underwear I got a ding from the Samsung that I have new mail. Oh boy do I love new mail and I really really love that my cell phone chimes from my bag telling me I have new mail. But really what I really truly from the bottom of my little heart love, is that it was from Pammy V. And she had these ridiculous stories about all the doctor men who love her and how she has all these dates and she cannot remember which one she told what to about her wonderful life. And how she only feels only okay about them but they just keep calling her like 10 minutes after the date is over. God I love that because she is the best catch ever and the men should be throwing themselves at her. Mmmah I can just kiss her. And then next my phone tells me that I have a new comment from Bre. And I swear I cannot remember the comment for the life of me, but it made me smile super big and laugh. Right there in Anthropologie. And comment to myself, because I don't care what I look like in public, that I am so insanely happy.

I took my happy self to get a smoothie because it was damned hot out and I was hungry and thirsty and getting tired. I figured liquid fruit infused with energy would tide me over but I couldn't be too full as I had a date with my man planned. Wines and cheeses and gooey appetizers at Mise En Place. I could not go ruining that goodness. And the first sip of the tangy sweet lemoney yumminess made me smile again and declare out loud how great this was. This time I know I said it out loud in the parking lot of the strip mall. Because who cares what the people outside Welcome to Moes! think? They drive minivans and eat cheesy Mexican, they should be happy like I am too.

Finally I tooted my ass and my beat up Honda over to the car wash. Which of course takes like an hour because all the people with Benzs and Hummers have to have their cars all shiny and pretty and demand perfection out of the beat up old rags and the underpaid dryers. Including the bitch with back fat who was standing over the man instructing him on cleaning her dirty dirty trunk. It totally had potted plants in it - of course it was dirty. But I didn't really care because they have a bench outside where I can get some sun and read my book. It was super glorious. It really was one of those perfect days where absolutely nothing happened and would totally make a really boring story except for the fact that it was truly truly wonderful and I was beyond blissfully happy.


Blogger Ryane said:

i love that day. =-)

11:31 AM 

Blogger anne said:

Oh dreaming but it most certainly was an intentional one. You probably don't even think I know what a double entendre is, do ya?

11:59 AM 

Blogger Mel said:

Any excuse to sit in the sun and read without feeling rushed is pure heaven. If you have to wash your car and rely on uppity women to enjoy that time then so be it. :)

It's raining here so enjoy the sun for me too!

2:03 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Shiny perfection is a must.

I would never put potted plants in mine, though. I would have to find some guy with a truck.

2:40 PM 

Blogger brandy said:

Whatever you are on, I want some. Seriously though, that sounds like a great day!

3:52 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Sounds like a good day... and I've never heard of anyone else who knows a 'Pammy' that is what we call my grandma but it's not actually her name. Fun times.

4:15 PM 

Blogger Accidentally Me said:

Some days it is just a lot of fun to be by yourself and not have to worry what anyone else wants or needs to do!!!

4:26 PM 

Blogger JustRun said:

I love those days! Mine seem to come more in the warmer months... wonder why...


5:24 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Sounds like a wonderful day.

6:02 PM 

Blogger megabrooke said:

what a fabulous day!
and i love anthropologie!
happy weekend.

7:47 AM 

Blogger Bre said:

Sometimes I think we live parallel lives - only you get to have a boy and a dog in yours!

I'm glad my comment made you happy, and hearing about it making you happy made me really happy.

We're a happy group here.

9:35 AM 

Blogger Ally said:

Tomorrow is going to be a delightful day like the one you described. You can't beat "magically wonderful."

12:57 PM 

Blogger Natalie said:

I absolutely positively love all the shiny flowery language. Very pretty.

Sounds like a good day. I get so busy that at times I relish taking my car int just to sneak in a few chapters of a book waiting for it. And you drive a Honda. I knew I liked you.

3:56 PM 

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